Call 770-315-7416

Gun Range Installation

Comprehensive Gun Rage Construction

At Lead South, LLC, we take pride in setting the industry standard for comprehensive gun range construction. With a wealth of experience and an unwavering commitment to excellence, we are your trusted partner for creating safe, state-of-the-art shooting ranges that meet and exceed your every expectation.

Indoor & Outdoor Expertise

Whether your vision involves an indoor or outdoor gun range, Lead South, LLC has the expertise to bring it to life. Our team is well-versed in the unique challenges and requirements of both environments, ensuring that your shooting range is tailored precisely to your needs.

Every Element Covered

Our dedication to precision means that we leave no stone unturned when it comes to gun range construction. We specialize in installing a wide range of critical components, including:


The backbone of a safe firing range, our backstops are designed and constructed with utmost care to provide optimal bullet containment.

Target Carriers

Our expertise extends to the installation of target carriers, ensuring smooth and reliable target transport for shooters.

Target System

We offer diverse target system solutions, from steel traps to rubber traps, and from overhead baffling to stationary targets. Our goal is to create a versatile and dynamic shooting experience.

Track Vehicle Targets

 For specialized training needs, we have the capability to install moving armor track vehicle targets, enhancing the realism of training scenarios.

Shooting Stalls

Our team designs and constructs shooting stalls that meet safety standards and enhance shooter comfort.

Combat Walls

We understand the importance of creating realistic training environments, which is why we craft combat walls and other essential elements to simulate real-world scenarios.

Excellence in Detail

What sets us apart is our meticulous attention to detail. Every project, whether it's an expansive outdoor range or a compact indoor facility, is executed with precision and care. We understand that safety and performance are paramount, and we go to great lengths to ensure that every element of your gun range meets our exacting standards.

Ready to get started?

Call us at (770) 315-7416

Customer Satisfaction

Our track record is a testament to our commitment to customer satisfaction. Lead South, LLC has successfully completed numerous gun range construction projects, earning the trust and respect of our clients. We take pride in delivering results that not only meet expectations but often exceed them.

When you choose Lead South, LLC for your gun range construction needs, you're choosing a partner dedicated to safety, precision, and excellence. Contact us today to discuss your project and discover how we can turn your vision into a reality.

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